Convert images into a spritesheet using grunt

Loading multiple images to your page is old idea because it makes page slow. So here is a quick work around to convert your images into a sprite sheet and also generate a css file which will have coordinates for the images inside the sprite.

Install grunt-sprite-packer

npm install grunt-sprite-packer --save-dev

Sprite packer uses ImageMagick library. See imagemagick for installation instructions Once plugin and imagemagick installed you can write Gruntfile like below

module.exports = function(grunt) {  
  spritepacker: {
    default_options: {
        options: {        
            template: 'css/sprites.css.tpl', //path for template
            padding:2, // give some padding btwn images in sprite
            background:'#ffffff', // make background white        
            destCss: 'css/sprites.css',  // where you want the css file containing image coordinates
            baseUrl: ''  // base URL for sprite image, used in template
        files: {
            'images/sprites.png': ['images/*.*']
grunt.registerTask('default', ['spritepacker']);

Now just say grunt and your spritesheet will be created and corresponding css file with image details.

Also you can compress the spritesheet created using one more grunt plugin imagemin . Install it locally

npm install grunt-contrib-imagemin --save-dev 

Now you can add this option to gruntfile

imagemin: {
        png: {
            options: {
                optimizationLevel: 7
            files: [{
                expand: true,
                cwd: '',
                src: ['images/*.png'],
                dest: '',
                ext: '.png'

You can add one more option for .jpg images same way.

Now you can compress the spritesheet

grunt imagemin  

You can refer to this repo for example.